The Art and research of Dr. Merlyn Seller, Lecturer In Design and Screen Cultures, University of Edinburgh

|Game Studies Blog|

Applying theory to play - The Game Studies Musings of Merlin Seller MA Mst (PhD) Lecturer University of Edinburgh

Posts tagged kittler
Dear Player: Hearing Hellblade

Hellblade is an exquisite bricolage of cracked wood, woad and lime. It's the experience of suffering humbly and intensely free from fetishized pain or redemptive rescues, and it's ambition is breathtaking. Senua's Sacrifice is is simply groundbreaking on so many different grounds: it blazes a trail for a third category of publishing as an 'Independent AAA'; it gives space to education on mental health for the mainstream; it lays claim to a fully rounded experience in a medium so often fissured into the narratively, aesthetically or mechanically satisfying; and it provides the groundwork for revolutionary audio techniques capable of unparalleled immersion. 

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